• Question: did you have any previous jobs ?

    Asked by ruairigallagher to Sinead, Jessamyn, Eleanor, Chris, Adam on 11 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Eleanor Holmes

      Eleanor Holmes answered on 11 Nov 2013:


      One summer between 1st year and 2nd year of college I worked in Dublin City Public Libraries for three months.

      I really enjoyed the job and, even though I wasn’t allowed to read during the day, I did find dozens of books that I checked out on my staff card and read at home. When the summer was over I had expanded my to-read list, made loads of contacts in the civil service and a fair bit of money too.

    • Photo: Adam Murphy

      Adam Murphy answered on 11 Nov 2013:

      Nothing other than a few summer jobs.

      I did a little bit in a radio station which was pretty cool though. Then I found science and hopefully it’ll be my job for a long long time!

    • Photo: Jessamyn Fairfield

      Jessamyn Fairfield answered on 13 Nov 2013:

      Nothing really long-term that wasn’t scientific research, but I did spend a few months as a stage manager for a few plays back when I lived near San Francisco. I really enjoyed it, but it took a lot of time and I was still in uni, so I stopped taking new plays on. I’d say I miss it, but now I’m doing comedy improv which has a lot of the same theatre stuff but is more fun!
