• Question: do you like trains

    Asked by ruairigallagher to Sinead, Jessamyn, Eleanor, Chris, Adam on 12 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Sinead Cullen

      Sinead Cullen answered on 12 Nov 2013:

      Hi Ruari,
      I actually don’t really like trains, especially if you sitting the same direction as the train is travelling.
      That makes me a little travel sick.

    • Photo: Eleanor Holmes

      Eleanor Holmes answered on 12 Nov 2013:

      I like trains. They are the only form of transport I don’t get motion sick on. I think that’s because you can stand up and walk around if you need to and there is plenty of air.

      Trains also have a very interesting scientific history from the rope-hauled beginnings to the steam engine to the diesel or electric ones we have now.

    • Photo: Adam Murphy

      Adam Murphy answered on 12 Nov 2013:

      I think long car rides are too cramped and I don’t like flying, so yeah, I love trains. Mostly because they have so sets of four seats, so you can talk to people and play cards and stuff!

    • Photo: Christian Wirtz

      Christian Wirtz answered on 12 Nov 2013:

      Hi Ruairi,

      that really depends on the train for me. I like the fast, spacious, hi-tech ones like the ICE in Germany and the Thalys in France that travel at 300 km/h without you feeling a thing! But I hate being stuck on a slow train that stops at every corner. Still, I much prefer it to bus rides or long car drives.
