• Question: What causes stress?

    Asked by sofiagreene to Adam, Chris, Eleanor, Jessamyn, Sinead on 11 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Adam Murphy

      Adam Murphy answered on 11 Nov 2013:

      Hey Sofia,

      Stress is kind of a weird thing, it comes from a really helpful idea, but happens in bad places.

      Stress happens whenever something affects the body’s regulation of itself, that can be mental, like the brain being scared of something or worried. Or, it can be physical, like cold conditions.

      It makes the body release a hormone called cortisol, which eventually gets into your brain and triggers what’s called the “flight-or-fight” response, which basically lets you think quicker so you can either go “AAH! Run away!” or “AAH! Let’s beat this thing.”

      The problem is that this response is for emergencies only. When your brain is in a panic it can’t make new connections and can be damaged. Cortisol also weakens your immune system so you can get sick easier.

      So just make sure you have something to do or someone to talk to whenever you’re stressed!
