• Question: What is your favourite thing about science

    Asked by sofiagreene to Adam, Chris, Eleanor, Jessamyn, Sinead on 11 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Adam Murphy

      Adam Murphy answered on 11 Nov 2013:

      My favourite thing is how linked together it all is.

      The equations that tell you how static electricity works are the same as the ones that deal with lightning. Equations that deal with radio waves are the exact same as the ones that deal with light and X-Rays.

      There are maths you can do to work out how fluids (like water) behave. I’ve done the exact same maths to help work out the origin of galaxies!

      All waves are the same, whether they’re water waves, sound waves, light waves or even the way a guitar string waves, it’s all subject to the same laws!

      No matter how complex the world may get, it’s all linked, everything is linked together!
