• Question: what made you chose Ghana ?

    Asked by chloegibney to Eleanor on 11 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Eleanor Holmes

      Eleanor Holmes answered on 11 Nov 2013:

      I chose Ghana as a place to send science kits because I know people who do work with some kids in Ghana.

      If I could I would send a science kit to every school child in every country in the world. But we have to put limits somewhere so I picked Ghana because my sister went there recently with her school and we know the teachers who work there and can get in touch with them about sending and using these kits.

      I picked Ghana because I wanted to be as practical as possible. I know who I’m sending kits to. I know how to get them there and we have a line of communication with people on the ground in Ghana. Including the Queen Mother (political leader) of the region. Who, by the way, was the first leader to reach the UN Millennium goals that the leaders of the world pledged to reach by 2015 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium_Development_Goals).
