• Question: Which is your favourite 15 century scientsit

    Asked by markduffy to Eleanor, Adam on 12 Nov 2013.
    • Photo: Adam Murphy

      Adam Murphy answered on 12 Nov 2013:

      Hey Mark,

      I had to look this up, and I always like reading history, so thank you!

      This was the start of the Renaissance, when people actually started thinking again!

      Probably Leonardo da Vinci, His notebook was full of ideas so far ahead of his time!

      In the 1400s Gutenberg also invented the printing press, which made reading available to everyone and is one of the most important inventions ever!

      So Gutenberg had my favourite invention and Da Vinci was my favourite scientist!

    • Photo: Eleanor Holmes

      Eleanor Holmes answered on 12 Nov 2013:

      For me it has to be Leonardo da Vinci as well. I really admire how he mastered so many different fields. He was a great artist, inventor, physicist, biologist, mathematician, writer, everything. He was the definition of a Renaissance Man.

      I like the idea that you don’t have to stick to one area. You can be considered a genius in a number of fields. I would like that…
